Tuesday, January 26, 2010

If I was a Super Hero

I grew up in a family that was primarily women. Ok Ok it was women..lol..with a two boys thrown in for kicks. I have five sisters and one older brother and of course a dad (don't we all have one of those somewhere?)anyway my point is this: I never really had to deal with "boy stuff". I was surrounded by girls of every flavor from my sister Sam who was a "tomboy", to my sister Serena who was everything traditional and "girly", to my younger sister Aurora who was "wild" and "free spirited" like a tornado, even Lafon is the "artsy angsty" type and baby Sarah is defintly the "hard outer shell with a center of soft jelly" don't ask what type I am because i'm still trying to figure that out..lol. My brother was always this sort of out of reach and alien being. At times I felt sorry for him surrounded by all these girls and at other times I envied him his "special boy" priviledges. Then I had two boys and my whole entire concept of the world was flipped like a flapjack at Waffle House.

I went from being interested in shoes and fashion to being interested in cars, trucks, and robots. I constantly feel like i'm running to catch up to my oldest boy. He's like a wondefully crafted puzzle box to me. You know the kind in the curio shops..beautiful to look at it but you know you'll never figure out how to open it. It seems like I was groomed and raised to handle girls and then out of left field God throws me a curve ball. Everytime I think i've got it.."ok his favorite color is red and he loves space stuff" he flips the scrip and i'm scrambling to find what page he's on. Last night was one of those page turning nights.

I quite driving with the radio on shortly after Gavin was born mainly because even when he was a baby I would drive and talk to him in his infant seat. I had this idea that it had to be better than radio and more developmentally beneficial than hearing "hotel, motel, Holiday Inn". Last night was no exception to the no radio habit when from the back seat I hear Gavin telling Magnus a story. I have long been fascinated with Gavin's imagination it really is something to behold and this particular story was no different.

It went like this: Once upon a time there was a princess locked away in a tower and she had lots of dark wavy hair and the witch was keeping her locked away so that the super hero Gavin would have to come and rescue her. In the another tower was a baby prince named Magnus and was surrounded by big scary goblins and he was just a baby so he needed super hero Gavin to come rescue him. (note to parents: when you hear these stories, unless they are directly addressed to you, be very quiet and make no noise or you will break the magic of the moment)So I listened very quitely and made no noise because I wanted to hear how this story was going to end. Maggers was very quiet and watching his brother he too wanted to hear how this story was going to end and Gavin sensing with a natural born story tellers senses could tell he held his audience captive. He continued on...One day while the witch was away doing witchy things in the forest Super Hero Gavin crept up to the tower and told the princess to send down the red race car so she could be saved, but the witch showed up and she had a green race car and she chased the super hero away from the tower. So Gavin went to rescue baby Magnus but he had to make a stop first at the good witch mammas house to eat some super hero food first. Gavin told that story all the way to the end with some rather humorous twists and turns and at the end you find out that the princess is his half sister Andrea and the witch was one of his teachers at school that he doesn't care for. I was impressed and a bit proud of him.

Later that night at bedtime I asked him what books he wanted to read for story time and he told me "momma I want you to make up a story your stories are better", so I told him a story about super heros.

If I was a Super Hero I would eat all my veggies and fruits so I could be strong and defeat all the bad guys.

If I was a Super Hero I would have super sonic hearing so I could listen to what my teachers said in class and get the best grades.

I went on making up stuff as I went and at the end he was asleep and I thought to myself: If I was Super Hero I would travel back in time and relive moments like these.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Life Ache

This weekend my 3 year old asked me if my was knee was aching. I was having what I call a Life Ache day and I told him "no honey mommy's life aches". He gave me the only look he could give when he had no idea what I was talking about doesn't want to admit it. You know that look. It's the one students and parents give when they don't want to admit that what you said just went right over their heads. Like trying to explain heaven to bears. I just gave him a hug and told him mommy would be all right she was just in a no good very bad mood and his precious self went off to do what 3 year old boys do best...destroy things and make lots of noise.
Normally I'm a pretty optimistic person. It takes quite a bit to get me down and keep me there and when I have a negative "episode" I refer to them as Life Aches. Life Aches suck both literally and figuratively. What is a Life Ache? A Life Ache is when you have one of those days that try as you might you just can't come up with anything that's worth living. It's one of those days when the weather sucks, your significant other is not so significant anymore, you kids are crowding your pity party with demands, there's nothing on t.v., all your friends are busy, and the whole day just seems to be sucking the joy and optimism right out of you. THAT'S a Life Ache..your whole life just HURTS! I hate Life Ache's with a passion..I feel like such a worthless, guilty slob for even having them. I get really angry too...like intellectually I know this is a colossal waste of time and there is nothing I hate more than wasted time and effort. If I had to choose a catch phrase for my life it would be "work smarter not harder". So yeah Life Aches blow big time and my whole weekend was totally shot I did not accomplish one thing that I had on my list and now I feel like blah for Monday. The only solution I've found for life aches is humor and grit. Yes humor read something funny, watch something funny, hang out with a funny person that makes you laugh, and grit. I say grit because when all else fails organizing something or cleaning something doing some PRODUCTIVE will often times help cure a Life Ache. If those two things don't work I will just give in to the crippling pain and throw myself a pity party for a day and then I'm usually over it.
Today I'm over the pity party...I have a renewed sense of purpose and the Life Ache is like a bad virus that has finally worked itself out of my system. I would say "Bring on the week I'm ready" but that would be a lie..like any kind of illness it's going to be one step one day at a time to reclaim my lost ground. I'm up to the challenge though and looking forward to tonight's evening playgroup at the learning center...good friends and cute kids are always a good cure for Life Aches!