I need to write for two hours today...............tick tock tick tock nothings really coming to me so hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I know!!!! A descriptive scene of a place I used to live in using a Fantasia type of back drop!!! Yesssssssssss hopefully the verve will be with me today :)
Que creepy horror movie music:
This heap of rubble that Magnus stood on was known to the locals as 9 mile, not because it was located nine miles outside of town but because at it's top most peak it was 9 miles tall. Can you imagine it? A pile of rocks, loose dirt and stones dotted here and there by low lying Russian Thistles it's only inhabitants the rattlesnakes and yellow bellied marmots that built nests in the hollowed out places of the mountain. This heap of rubble was 9 miles tall and made up the outermost ring of mountains that curved around the small town of Windover and gave Magnus the vantage point he needed to scout the town below. There were six mountains in total that made up the protective ring around this valley and on the other side was the great Salt Flats. While Kyndl had warned him of the evil in this town he hadn't been able to really comprehend the vileness below him. The valley lay below dotted here and there by a handful of white lights barely visible through the dense fog of evil that lay over the entire valley. So few lights, so few true believers, he had heard of places like this at the Keep, back in St.Louis, but had never seen it himself. A nexus a place where one form of evil meets another and pools and seethes and swarms spiralling down down down until the people affected either end it themselves or suffocate and die. It doesn't matter much which way it goes they all end up dead in the end.
Windover was special it was not just a bad place it was a powerful nexus of immorality and cultic worship. Only in this town did the two things exist side by side. The divide was there clearly marked by the roads bisecting the town. As often happens in border towns this one was no different the more wealthy side that of the Nevada side had nice paved roads, clean neat yards, ok schools and a pretty little golf course, all paid for by the willing enslavement of those that both worked and lost thier wages at the casinos. On the Utah side the roads were cracked, worn through in areas, cheap run down apartments an even worse school and most of the people on this side of town lived in old run down single wide trailers permanently hitched to a lot. As a rule most Cults don't pay well but in the Mormon cult it's sort of a mandatory thing that you pay the church first. Unfortunatly for the Utah side of Windover the Church members resided on the Nevada side of the town and didn't really see the need to pay for the upkeep of the Utah side.
Kyndle had called this place a modern day Soddom and Gamorrah she had warned Magnus that the evil within was not something to be taken lightly and no amount of persuasion could convince her to come back here. She wouldn't talk about what had happened to her in this town but its after affects were there in the shadows of her eyes and the unconscious way she held her self defensively anytime the name was brought up.
My verve has run out..i had a clear picture where I was going with this and once again my own flowery words distracted me..i've got to be the worst ADD writer ever!!! I mean who gets distracted with thier own words? Some phrases i'm thinking of using: spritual bootcamp, salt of the earth, this little light of mine got snuffed out, like lambs to slaughter, Den of the Lotus People, if money's the root of all evil the great tree must spring forth from here, The underground lake in Windover is fathomless because it's collected all the tears of the sinners over the course of the centuries, It's just like a Watcher to interrupt my good time. I can resist anything except temptatoin.
well i did not quite make my two hour mark for writing :( sooo sad but on the upside i've made a new scene for my book!! yay and hopefully entertained you in the process...now tell me do you smell pancakes?
this little light of mine snuffed out sounds so out of place among those other phrases it made me crack up! It has an innocence about the phrase that is unlike Magnus the character. Anyway beautiful description I def have an excellent image in my head of the mountain and below. But where you are going I do not know? Love ya!
ReplyDeleteI am really partial to lambs to the slaughter, I think its really good....I also like you description of the lake...very interesting. A nice scene and kudos for getting a new scene for your book!