Friday, June 24, 2011


After starting my foodie blog and working with that editor on the pages i've already got and adding to those pages with transitoinal scenes plus searching the internet for new recipes to try for aformentioned new blog i'm techno-wasted! That's right I'm done for a while. I may not make my June 30th deadline beacause the idea of sitting in front of any form of electronic device just about makes me want to vomit in a technology hangover. I need a break from all things that plug in, turn on, light up, or otherwise connect me in any way other than real life.
I made a list of all the technological thingies that i'm plugged into and realized i'm a technoholic! The online mommy forum, Facebook, Blogspot, Stumbleupon, and the many many many recipe websites and blogs that I read not to mention the online comics!!! It's a wonder I get anything done in my day at all.
Hence forth I will be WORKING more and stumbling, facebooking, and mommy foruming (is that even a word?) less. I need to FOCUS. I think maybe I might be afraid of success because everytime I get close to succeeding my focus scatters and I just quit. I'm determined not to quit. At this point even if the story turns out to be total shite at least I can say I finished it!!!
So now it's time to get writer wasted and join the 12 step program to get unplugged.


  1. :) I unplugged a bit from the FB, mommy place and enjoyed the break. PLUS I think I may just be out of the habit of checking in nonstop throughout the day and can settle to specific times. Hang in there girl, I will miss your banter on my blog but love to see you take care of you!

  2. Thanks for sucking me into being techno-wasted as well....ugh I have to stay away from stumble otherwise hours will get away from me! I unplug on the nights and weekends mostly! But yeah honestly would rather have quality time face to face with people.
