Thursday, March 10, 2011

Self Directed Writing assn. #5

Write a narrative descriptive passage in a vernacular other than your own. Listen to the way people speak in a bar, restaurant, barber shop, or some other public place where folks who speak differently ("He has an accent!") from you, and try to capture that linguistic flavor on the page.

Magnus reached down and helped Kindyl to stand, he looked her over for injuries and seeing none he felt relief rush through him, until he saw the brief glint of guilt in Kindyls eyes. Whatever that blast had been Kindyl knew something about it and Magnus was determined to find out what it was. He didn't have time to question her now and for that Kindyl was relieved she needed time to think and time enough to figure a way out of this impossible situation. How did she always find herself in these predicaments!

"Oy Kindyl come over 'ere and check this out" Kevan yelled.

Kindyl scrambled the rest of the way to her feet and rushed over to Kevan.

"what's up Kevan? Did you find something?" said Page dusting herself off and walking over to the blast site.

"Mebbe I needs Kindyl to look a'it and tell me what she thinks. I'm thinkin' mebbe it's a light grenade but wit'out the punch ya know?"
Kevans parents were Scots/Irish and he came to the Keep to be trained only a few years ago. Magnus and Gavin had gotten used to the odd tempo of Kevans speech but newcomers still had a hard time understanding him. Kindyl wasn't sure whether he had said light or lot, she was still struggling with what he had said when she reached the blast site.

"Keendyl I needs ya to put on them special glasses ya got and look at this" Kevan handed a smooth rod covered in what appeared to be squiggly lines over to Kindyl.

Kindyl didn't need the glasses to see what was hidden on that rod. She'd seen this before the night that old crone at the fair had called her into her fortune telling tent. Making a show of needing the goggles Kindyl pulled them up from around her neck and adjusted the superviolet lens's pretending to focus on the rod. Hoping against hope she was wrong she watched in dismay as the superviolet words appeared "They will not control us, they will not be victorious, we see you even when you don't see us". Those words haunted Kindyl's every waking moment and her dreaming ones as well. Pulling off the goggles Kindyl looked up and said "It's not a light grenade, the markings are wrong and the superviolet is off. Could be a bad copy but meh who knows, might be why there was no punch to it".

"heh weel I guess I was wrong, but I wonder why sumun would go through all the trubble of makin' a fake bomb?"

1 comment:

  1. Love it, though I had to reread the speech to get it but I am not that quick in that area. You really pull the pieces together well and keep the reader anticipating but unsure ahead.
