Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dissappointment is......

forgetting that you gave your co-worker permission to swap lunch hours with you. One more hour and then I can get an hour break from this place. I just realized there is only one week left to this month after Friday. That means I have less than two months to get Gavin and Phillips birthday party complete! Normally I wouldn't bother to stress about this stuff except that well Gavin will be 5 this year and it's a milestone birthday for him and Phil-do well let's face it he's gonna be 39 and the man is feeling his age. So we're having an April Fools birthday party complete with a fake cake, funny glasses, chinese finger traps, bug ice cubes and outdoor games. If you ask Gavin when his birthday is he'll tell it's April 4th but his party is on the 2nd. He's at that age where birthday's really matter so yeah this one has to be let's hope I don't screw it up or drop the ball or dissappointment will be Gavin's little face when no one shows up to his party.

On to something different. I've been making friends..shocker I it's been nice getting to know two moms that live relativly close to us. I won't mention thier names because I don't have permission to but let's just say they are funny, quirky, and fun. It's really highlighted to me that unless i'm scheduling a playdate or just attending one that someone else has scheduled we really don't do impromtu stuff. I remember when my friends and I would just show up at each other's houses unannounced to just hang out, talk, maybe watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Gilmore Girls. It seems like as I've gotten older and had kids it's become unacceptable to just hang out at someone's house or have someone just come over and hang out at yours. I wonder why we've gotten to this place where we have to schedule a get together for our kids to play or for us to just hang out and talk. Don't get me wrong there are some nights when we are not available and just dropping by wouldn't work..and i'm sure it's the same for many of my parental friends...surely sometime, somewhere, one of us is sitting at home with nothing particular to do and wondering the same thing??? yes? no? maybe?

1 comment:

  1. *sigh* I wish I was one of those people :) I love where I live and the life I have but yeah most of the people I know even family would never just "drop" by all the way out here. I am pretty sure I am not the only one who lives my way with kids etc. Why is it so hard to find friends anyway?
    Yeah for you and your new opportunities!!
