So V-Day..the infamous day of Love. I gotta tell ya it's not one of my favorite holidays and until this year I really didn't consider it a holiday at all. It's fun no doubt but it just didn't rank up there for me ya know. So that got me to thinking about other holidays and why we celebrate them and the history of them..and you know what I found out. Valentines day is the only historically christian holiday celebrated by the secular world. yep it's true Easter (My personal favorite holiday)started out pagan as well as Christmas, Halloween and St.Patricks Day. St.Valentine was a christian martyr in Rome. So there ya have it V-Day is the only original christian holiday. It's still not my favorite holiday but this year it's actually been kind of fun. I can't pinpoint what it is exactly but this afternoon my DH and two sons surprised me at work with lunch and a little white jewel box they decorated complete with fake gems glued to the front and inside was a bunch of tootsie rolls.

It could be that my bonus daughter went out of her way to buy and decorate a valentines day card and then have the boys sign it to my hubby and I. Who knows the real reason why but today actually wasn't a bad day. V-day is still not my favorite holiday Easter will always reign supreme as the best holiday ever for me but as far as Valentines days go this one was pretty nice.
On to other was chocolate day at the office. here's what I know about stinks when you cook it, if you eat too much of it it makes your tongue go all numb and feel gross, and if you put enough of it all together on the same's like a cocaine overload. I'm thinking chocolate day not the best idea in an office full of women..but again this is from the woman that prefers candy corn or gummy bears.
mmmm candy corn:) I am so glad you felt loved on Vday!