Thursday, December 22, 2011

It's just not the holidays until someone cries

Thanksgiving officially kicks off our families crazy holiday mad dash for the new year. I started a tradition a while ago to count a blessing everyday leading up to the new year so that I can take a moment and remember that all this insanity is worth it. It's worth it dangit!!!!! Every year it's the same story with my husband's ex and every year I have to run around playing peace maker and smoothing ruffled feathers between my husband and the rest of the world. What i'm saying is it's stressful folks! This year we have the added bonus of dealing with a close personal friends breast cancer and divorce from her husband. Well we found out about all of this months ago and it's just been ongoing so I wouldn't say it started with the holiday season but ya know what did start with the holiday season? A little ditty that I'd like to dedicate to our blended family mess:

The 12 Days of holiday tears:

On the first day of Christmas the good Lord gave to me..
ONE angsty teenage girl

On the second day of Christmas the good Lord gave to me...
Two little boys who fight over everything

On the third day of Christmas the good Lord gave to me...
Three married couples on the brink of divorce

On the fourth day of Christmas the good Lord gave to me..
Four slammed doors and a husband cussing up a storm.

On the fifth day of Christmas the good Lord gave to me..
Five nights of crappy sleep

On the sixth day of Christmas the good Lord gave to me...
Six angry texts from my husbands ex.

On the seventh day of Christmas the good Lord gave to me...
seven deadlines for projects at work.

On the eighth day of Christmas the good Lord gave to me...
Eight little spats between my husband and me

On the ninth day of Christmas the good Lord gave to me..
Nine church obligations

On the tenth day of Christmas the good Lord gave to me...
Ten helping hands in the NA nursery

On the eleventh day of Christmas the good Lord gave to me..
Eleven phone calls to our attorney.

On the twelfth day of Christmas the the good Lord gave to me...
Twelve days of stress and anxiety

Merry Christmas to all and to all a Happy New Year. May your days be merry and your nights be free of worry. May the Lord bless you and Keep you and make his face to shine upon all the days of your lives.
Peace! I'm out!!!

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