I have been trying to teach my older two children the 13 year old and the 4 year old that the world "HATE" is not acceptable in our house. The other day my four year old informed me that I say that word a lot. Hmmm so I started paying attention to what I said and realized that, yeah I do say that word a lot, so what can I say I obviously lost some of the meaning of the word along the road. I've started saying to my *gag* husband when he upsets me, which is often, that I really really dislike you right now. I've come up with some doozies and even some that are rather creative but their all the same message...I don't like you! Go away! Leave me alone! That got me to thinking...if the word HATE was not allowed because of it's negative conotation then shouldn't the others be disallowed as well? I mean why is it so bad to tell someone you hate them? Or you hate such and such a food or show or color or whatever. Has the word Hate lost it's meaning? Do we actually Hate lima beans or do we just not care for the texture, taste, color of them? Do we actually HATE another person or are we just endlessly annoyed and aggravated by them? What does it mean to HATE something or someone? Here's what the dictionary has to say abou the word Hate: hate (ht)
v. hat·ed, hat·ing, hates
a. To feel hostility or animosity toward.
b. To detest.
2. To feel dislike or distaste for: hates washing dishes.
To feel hatred.
1. Intense animosity or dislike; hatred.
2. An object of detestation or hatred: My pet hate is tardiness.
According to this definition you can have a hatred of something such as tardiness. So if it's an extreme dislike a person or thing is it then ok to let your children say hate? If for instance Gavin says I hate the color green, do you let him say it with no consequences because he used the word appropriatly and he actually does hate the color green?
When I became a mom the first time I remember being filled with all these convictions. My child would have the best of everything I could give them. They would be well behaved and educated and wear nice clothes. I anticipated personality struggles, disobediance, even back talking, what I did not anticipate was having to curb my own sarcasm. Yes I know i'm sarcastic it's like an automatic, knee jerk reaction to negativity. Don't like something? Make a sarcastic comment about it. I do love the art form in almost every way. I like to read books where the characters are sarcastic and witty, i like sarcastic bumper stickers and t-shirts and if I could i'd wear one on casual friday every day of the year. I like sarcasm I just do and I can't imgagine a life where I wasn't allowed to indulge in it from time to time. That being said I have this slight problem..o.k. I have the HUGE problem with my four year old. He is sarcastic!! not in the funny hahah way or in the aww that's so cute kind of way but in the OMG DID HE JUST SAY THAT TO ME?!!! kind of way. I know it's my fault. I knew when he started talking at 6 months old we were in for it. He is a sponge and he's observant and that makes for a bad combination sometimes. I realize that to reverse the cutting sarcasm..yes sarcasm, that comes from his mouth i'm going to have curb my own. *sigh* Looks like it's time to implement the sarcasm jar. Hello marbles..goodbye sarcasm.
Good luck in finding the medium to be you with him, but teach first how to be respectful and kind so he can later determine how to use sarcasm correctly. AH, the perils of being a momma...
ReplyDeleteI allow the H word if it is about something and not someone. I may question whether they truly H it and then allows the teachable moment of using the word easily. I mean even the definition says strongly dislike..I strongly dislike broccoli on all levels and that just has to be ok, LOL.