Thursday, March 29, 2012
Catch up
That's the name of the game for me for the past few month. I feel like I'm running behind on everything and life is out running me. Gavin's first year of school is almost over and I can't say it was a complete success but it's wasn't a complete failure either. Andrea's first year of high school was o.k. but again I find myself in a state of frustration over her lack of enthusiasm for anything! at all! in her life. I can't imagine being so blase about EVERYTHING in life. She says she's not depressed but I don't buy that for a second. First off she refuses to leave the house, she's eating her feeling and putting on weight, and she doesn't seem to have any interest in anything including the things she used to love. I know a lot of it is from dealing with the emotional and physical abandoment from her mom but I believe some of it simply because the friends she would have gone to for support have all moved away. I need to come up with SOMETHING to get her motivated and out of her funk. April is going to be BUSY! Just in the first week of April we have two birthdays one is Phil's and two days later it's Gavin then Good Friday and the Easter Pageant rehearsel on Saturday then Easter on Sunday. The following week is another birthday and then preperations for Gavin's first school musical. They are doing a rock opera of Stone Soup and Gavin has a part in the production. Gavin also has a science fair project that's due the third week of April. Lord give me strength because in between all of that we have Andrea's Youth Group activities and they are doing a sermon on one Sunday in April that they have to be prepared for and a Trivia Night toward the end of April. Or Lord Jesus be my strength and give me the grace to be pulled and stretched in many many many different directions.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
I've been resistant to writing ANYTHING for the past few months. Don't get me twisted cornflake it's not that I haven't been writing it's that what I've been writing SUCKS!!! I mean is sucks to enormously that's is EPIC! I can't even reconcile the abysmal failure with my own self confidence as a writer that's how epically bad this past few months of writing have been. So my dad in all his infinite wisdom told me to write a poem. Nothing major..nothing having to do with my book..and most of all nothing too cerebral or taxing. Just a little poem something for fun, to get the creative juices flowing again, instill some self confidence back into me, a shot in the arm if you will, so after much resistance, because a Poetess I am NOT, I decided to try. What could it hurt right? I mean it's just a poem. So I got out a piece of paper and stared at it...............for DAYS.......and DAYS...and that blank piece of paper stared right back at me, mocking me, taunting me, telling me I wasn't good enough to even bang out a simple poem!!!! So I did what any self respecting writer would do. I tore up the paper and lit it on fire while cursing the universe for creating writers block in the first place! That's when it happened..I finally thought of a poem and I had to it write down.
A divergent interest
I hate you Poetry.
I hate you're word structure,
Your phrasing,
Your sycophantic syncopation!
I hate your blocking and your Iambic pentameter.
Your Haiku's make no sense!
Your Allegories bore me,
Your Alliteration is pretentious at best.
Like the proverbial whore of Babylon,
You lend your wanton ways, your Limerick's
To drunk Irishmen and horny teenage boys.
Your Ballads are but a poor imitation.
Eclipsed by the written prose.
Blank Verse is but an excuse,
An anemic measure of creativity.
Poetry you are lazy.
You lack the dedication of Prose
The beauty of a paragraph is lost on you.
You are the poor, illiterate cousin,
Shunned for her ignorance and loose morals.
Oh that you should aspire,
To the heights of novellas.
Be as inspired as plays.
Seek to create a universe as diverse as a novel.
I hate you Poetry.
I even hate this poem!
A divergent interest
I hate you Poetry.
I hate you're word structure,
Your phrasing,
Your sycophantic syncopation!
I hate your blocking and your Iambic pentameter.
Your Haiku's make no sense!
Your Allegories bore me,
Your Alliteration is pretentious at best.
Like the proverbial whore of Babylon,
You lend your wanton ways, your Limerick's
To drunk Irishmen and horny teenage boys.
Your Ballads are but a poor imitation.
Eclipsed by the written prose.
Blank Verse is but an excuse,
An anemic measure of creativity.
Poetry you are lazy.
You lack the dedication of Prose
The beauty of a paragraph is lost on you.
You are the poor, illiterate cousin,
Shunned for her ignorance and loose morals.
Oh that you should aspire,
To the heights of novellas.
Be as inspired as plays.
Seek to create a universe as diverse as a novel.
I hate you Poetry.
I even hate this poem!
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